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First Baptist of Andrews
The Heart of God in the heart of Andrews by keeping the main thing the main thing one relationship at a time.
Our Main thing is to intentionally make disciples who will make disciples.

A live perfomance at First Baptist Church of Andrews
October 26-28, 2023
Not for children under 10 years old
We invite you come and participate in one or more of our many activities.
10:00am Sunday School
11:00am Worship Service
5:30pm Adult Choir Practice
6:30pm Children in Action
6:30pm Adult Bible Study
6:30pm Youth Ignite!
Evening Prayer Group
Third Tuesday of Every Month
2:00 PM
Brotherhood 7:00pm
3rd Monday of the Month
Keenagers 12 Noon
Third Thursday of Every Month. Covered Dish Lunch Included.
Women's Ministry Meeting
Third Thursday of each Month 6:30 pm
For more information on our upcoming events, call our office at (843) 264-5746 or view our events page on facebook.
Registration is closed
Basketball Season has begun. First game is January 22nd.
Still looking for coaches and volunteers.
We have partnered with Andrews Church of God.
Games will take place in their family life center.
Samaritan's Purse Shoebox Collection
box located in foyer.
Goal is 175 boxes.
Pastor - Rev. Mark Stump
Associate Pastor - Rev. Jonathan Griner
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